Monday Rant: FCC shuts down Open Source. Nope, nothing to see here.

So posted about the FCC’s ruling on open source software on WiFi devices. They have implemented what is called “software security requirements” to keep the device manufacturers happy, basically telling everyone they can’t put DD-WRT or OpenWRT on the router they just paid for aka “Fuck you and your ability to turn your $80 router into a $1000 router for free”.


So basically, I bought this router and I can only do what you tell me to do with it? THOUGHT POLICE, GET OUT OF MY MIND! I should be able to do what ever I see fit with router, so long as it doesn’t cause any ill-will or harm to others. I should be able to upload software to that router that redirects you to blue waffles every time you open a new tab, or have it play LOL LIMEWIRE. Why? Because its mine and I bought it so I should be able to do with it what I please. The FCC are able to push this ruling through because of DRM (Digital Rights Management) already in place for standalone software, video game and movie creators and now these companies want to abuse that, so that they can lock people out of doing things with their devices that they should be able to do on their own. DRM is flawed entirely as a model but that’s another post for another mind numbing time. The FCC rules that deploying your own custom, Open Source software can damage the product and interfere with other devices in addition to calling it illegal.


Its horse shit is what it is. If you buy something, so long as it isn’t financed, you should be able to take that product apart and do with it as you please. It seriously makes me rage. Like, stutter inducing, eye twitching hatred will pour from my mouth because of stuff like this. Don’t get me started on John Deere also leading this charge, making all the tractors they sell, essentially NOT YOURS even once its fully paid, because any service work that needs to be done by someone with a proprietary John Deere computer license. That’s right, the on board computers for tractors and AG equipment now have computers that will tell you when something isn’t working and won’t reset the computers and go back to operating properly, even if you fix the problem yourself. If the computer knows about it, you have to call a certified tech.  This is John Deere’s attempt to a. increase profit from service calls to their dealers supporting them and b. to stop tech savvy people from deploying custom firmware on said computers so that farmers can bypass alarms and make repairs them selves. Has someone completely lost their mind over at John Deere or is the entire company just so caught up in pissing off the farmers that they forgot what it was like not to live their lives without whipping their dicks out to piss on everyone’s head while they go to the grocery store?


When did we as Americans stop giving a shit about what government agencies control and tell us what we can and cannot do? Are we so blind that we can’t see the truth? That we are all fucked? Its OK everyone, just go back to Snapchat and sending emojii stories or some shit. When you get back, you can have your brain juice served to you on a silver platter.

I am so out of here.





Avid FPS Gamer, Pro Second Amendment, Logical Thinker & IT Help Desk Slave. He doesn't understand why the world can't comprehend that the 4th, different looking popup about that free vacation, is fake.