So you are allergic to WiFi? Well spoons made me fat.


Is this real life right now? Hello? Anyone? According to a woman has successfully battled the courts and won a disability suit, claiming that she is allergic to Wifi. I literally can’t. I cannot real life. I feel like this.


How can you WIN MONEY FROM THE GOVERNMENT, claiming that you are allergic to WiFi? Does it make you sick? When that invisible field of WiFi signals comes across the air waves and collides with your ever so delicate skin, do you start convulsing? Do you break out? Do you go cross eyed and start making the old Dial Up Noises but screaming them out loud?

I think that there would need to be a serious signal concentrations for anyone to be affected by rouge WiFi signals. You would literally need to live like 2 miles from ANYONE ELSE because in every modern home, there is something that uses wireless technology. A router, a cell phone and cordless phone, a remote control. So you enjoy living in a fucking barn or some shit for the rest of your life, while everyone else is at the very least, posting shitty cat pictures to Reddit or sending nonsensical unreadable ghetto snap chats. Someone might even be paying a bill online while they are taking a crap too.


The bottom line is this, if I claimed I was allergic to WiFi here in the US, the amount of stupidity that would radiate from within my large, round, pudgy, pizza filled self, would be enough to drop everyone in that court rooms IQ by at least 65 points. 500EU a month for claiming I am allergic to WiFi. Ok. BRB, I’m going to go sue FORD real quick, since they made it super easy for me to go get fast food and get fat. Get the fuck outta here.


Avid FPS Gamer, Pro Second Amendment, Logical Thinker & IT Help Desk Slave. He doesn't understand why the world can't comprehend that the 4th, different looking popup about that free vacation, is fake.